Ace Frehley Tribute Album News!

(Updated 1-30-96)
Information via
There is a cd coming out in japan, (should be a USA release soon after),
featuring an array of artists paying tribute to ACE.
A few artists include: Jason Mcmaster from Dangerous Toys; Snake Sabo and
Sebastian Bach of Skid Row; John Norum; Dimebag Darryl from Pantera, Anthrax;
Scott Travis(Fight and Judas Priest)does most of the drumming; John Alderete
(The Scream & Racer X) does most of the bass; Tracy Gunns; Marty
Friedman(from Megadeth); among many others.
The cd will include an all NEW ACE song, entitled "Take me to the city."
The original cover painting, done by the Artist,TOMMY PONS, who has done
work for Dangerous Toys,(that old evil clown), Testament, Ronnie James Dio,
and Led Zepplin merch, is selling the above mentioned art(ACE FREHLEY
(TRIBUTE)....SPACE WALKIN!!!'s going for $750....or best offer!
Inquiries, send to: TOMMY PONS, PO BOX 4869, AUSTIN,TX., 78765...
or e-mail him.
It appears that a new tribute album is on its way. This time it is an
album paying tribute to Ace Frehley! Yes, an Ace Frehley tribute album is
coming. It is being put out by Triage Records in Japan. Unfortunetly, the
album will ONLY be available in Japan so those in the US will have to get it
as an import. Some of the performers on it are Diamond Darrell of Pantera
doing "Fractured Mirror" and Anthrax doing "Rip It Out." Skid Row also plans
to go into the studio to record "Rock Bottom" & "Save Your Love" for this album.
More on this as it becomes available.

Updated: 1-15-96

Gerri Miller of Metal Edge wrote on the America Online Metal Edge board:

"Yes, I did visit the studio but to pick up a DAT of the Unplugged (we need CDs or DATs to do our Playback reviews for the Touch Tunes feature, and I only had a tape). I didn't hear any new music. I did learn some very interesting things but I can't tell you now. Kiss wants to inform everyone personally and will do so very soon. Sorry, but you'll have to be patient.
My review of Unplugged will be in the May issue [out in February]."

Updated: 1-15-96

KISS Unplugged and Unedited:
The KISS bootleg of the MTV KISS Unplugged & Unmasked show is NOW available!
I am not offering it ­ I am just making this information aware to those who are interested. This bootleg consists of two 2 hour tapes ranging in price from $35-40. These tapes include the ENTIRE MTV KISS performance with all the outtakes.
(NOTE: KISS will release an official long form video of the MTV KISS Unplugged & Unmasked show in March).

Updated: 1-6-95

Gerri Miller, editor of Metal Edge Magazine, visited KISS in the studio on
12-1 to take pictures for Metal Edges 10th anniversary issue out in January.
Gene told her that the new studio album will be finished buy mid-December
and that all they have to do is finish adding the vocals to the new album.
Toby Wright is co-producing the album along with KISS.

I talked to Gerri yesterday and she told me that there is no album title for
the new studio album as of yet. She also mentioned that some song titles,
subject to change, floating around that Gene told her about were: "I
Confess","I Walk Alone","Seduction"&"In My Head."

Gene told Gerri that the unplugged album will be out in the spring of '96 but
that they did not know whether it would be out before or after the new studio
album. That March release date that has been foating around the internet for
the release of the Unplugged album is just a rumor Gene told Gerri. Gene
also mentioned that a video will accompany the CD of KISS's MTV Unplugged

Gene's AOL letter on 1/1/96.

Gene's AOL letter on 12/24/95.

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