Superheroes Are Not Real
By: Ted Gwin

Before I start on my rant about the hottest band in the world, I would like to say that "Sound Off" has to be the best series on this site. Okay, the fun's over. Let's go.

One word I have heard brought up time and time again is "superheros". It is true that since '77 or so KISS has been portrayed as a band beyond the realms of reality, and that the four members are "superheros". This has been a title and gimic perpetuated by Gene for these 20 years. In my opinion it's time to dump the "superhero" title and settle for something more mundane like, oh I don't know..... maybe THE HOTTEST BAND IN THE WORLD! When Gene, or whoever it was, got the idea that they were larger than life he, or they, got the idea that they could milk the gimmic for every drop of the fans' sweat and blood it was worth; not to mention $$$! At one point in their career this was true (70's). We all thought of them as almost godlike. But now the fans are no longer little kids; now we're all grown up and are adults. The superhero name doesn't work for us old folks, and I don't see the 7 to 13 demographic going nuts for the band like we all did in the 70's, either!

We've all seen Ace's dirty laundry strung out before us, and we've all got a long hard look into Gene's greedy personality. We've also heard about Peter's excesses and Paul's insecurity. In light of all this unveiling of skeletons it is hard to believe that the band would try and continue this thread. Guys! In the 70's you WERE larger than life. You then proceeded to piss it away with the over abundance of cheesy merchandise and less than spectacular music. The superhero crap got in the way of good song writing and you suffered for it. It seemed that Gene was humbled to a point in the late 80's and early 90's, but as soon as he had a chance he was rolling out the old "superhero" line again and squeezing us for every $ we could, or couldn't, afford. Another thing: How the hell can all the members be superheros when two of the fantastic four are being paid a salary and are not allowed to contribute to the music? We are more mature in our musical tastes and less concerned with "THE GODS OF THUNDER" routine. Hang it up guys and be the band you were.

I haven't given up hope on you. I know there is still fire in you and I know that if you pull your heads out of your wallets you can produce another legendary album! KISS are legends with or without the superhero title. Nothing will take from us die hard fans the scars (both mental and physical) we got from the school yard fights, the dorky parents, the religious fanatics who were more than ready to condemn us to a firey abyss. We are proud of those scars!! So don't screw it up by shoveling this garbage in our faces and expecting us to buy it just because of those scars!!

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