Gene Simmons to save the day
By: Lauren Bottner

Kiss rock star Gene Simmons, aka Chaim Weitz, lectures at the London Business School on how to save the British economy and build a billion-dollar brand.  Sure, because our top economists and brilliant minds around the world obviously are missing the answer, so lets invite the make-up clad hard rock singer to clue us in.

“We’re in a mess, that’s for sure…and it starts with the welfare state.  When the government becomes Mum and Dad and when people want free cheques from the government, the economy breaks down.  You’ve got to make money mean something,” Simmons explains to the Daily Mail.

But behind the scenes of his pyrotechnics and partying hard lifestyle, Simmons has built up a multi-million dollar empire over the past 40 years, “saturating the market with more than 3,000 items of Kiss-branded merchandise (everthing from coffins to condoms and coffee houses)” reports the Daily News, and founding, a language translation service.  He also runs a financial planning business for those infamous 1%. Who knew??

Not new to the political scene, Simmons recentlyendorsed Rick Perry for the US Presidential elections and now weighs in on the financial side of world issues.

This past Thursday night, Simmons spoke at the London Business School on how to build a billion-dollar brand, as part of the Gene Simmons Rich and Famous Lecture Tours. And he knows what he’s talking about, valued at around 100 million pounds.  “I make a living,” Simmons winked, as he informs the audience that it’s the pursuit of “stuff” that Simmons believes is at the root of our current economic crisis.

“You know who’s to blame for the mess we’re in? People.  Because we’re greedy and don’t want to take responsibility…Just because you can buy it doesn’t mean you can afford it.  Never a lender or a borrower be.  It’s common sense.  But people don’t have common sense, they have greed,” reports the Daily Mail.

Ok, well glad he could help save us from financial ruin.  Thank you Mr. Weitz!

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