Clean Gene and his Motley Crue

Famously, he kicked guitarist Ace Frehley and drummer Peter Criss out of the band for rock and rolling every night and partying every day.

But Simmons had no such qualms when promoters pitched the double bill of Kiss and notorious alcohol and drug fiends Motley Crue.

In fairness, while frontman Vince Neill still drinks, the Crue have cleaned up their act.

Simmons says: “I always liked Motley Crue. Everybody’s had some dysfunction and those guys are known for what’s happened to them, the ups and downs. It’s not unique.

“But you’ve got to draw the line in the sand. The stage is holy ground. This is church. When you get up there you’ve got to have respect for yourself, respect for your bandmates, but most importantly, respect for the fans.”

Simmons’ sobriety through 40 years of rock stardom is best viewed through Frehley’s tell-all book published last year. Frehley took Simmons to lunch recently to tell him about a chapter in which Gene saved Ace’s life.


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