"Psycho Circus" Album Reviews

From: Robert Clark

You know what guy's, since receiving the Psycho Circus cd and listening to it the way it was meant to be listened to (in full blasting stereo and not in crappy mp3) I really felt the need to revise my review of this album. First of all, when I wrote my first review I had only heard 7 of the 10 songs on the album (I did not hear "We are one" "Finally found my way" and the ever Godly "Journey of 1000 years") so to be honest, I probably had no business writing a review until I heard the entire effort. But as the old saying goes "opinions are like ass-holes, everybody's got em." So I had to toot my horn.

Like in my previous review, I'm not going to do a track by track review. It's been done and I personally get bored of reading them. But quickly here are my fave's of the album from best to worst. 1.) Journey of 1000 years. 2.) Psycho Circus 3.) Into the Void. 4.) I Pledge Allegiance to the State of Rock & Roll. 5.) You Wanted the Best. 6.) Within. 7.) We Are One. 8.) Dreamin. 9.) I Finally Found My Way. 10.) Raise Your Glasses.

First of all, I want to ask each and every Kiss "fan" something. Why do we insist on putting KISS in a box and insist with this attitude of "no you can't sound this way, no you can't do that cuz it sounds too much like this, no this is too 80's, no Pete you did your ballad on "Destroyer" so no more." Believe me, it took a while for me to realize that was EXACTLY what I was doing too. I mean guys look, beyond all the glitz, the makeup, the explosions, the costumes, etc. these guys are still MUSCIANS and every musician will try new and different directions. So please stop trying to put KISS in a time capsule marked 1976. I personally find this album extremely enjoyable. Do I like EVERY song on the album? No. Do I skip a song here and there on it. Yes. But guess what boys and girls, with the exception of "Alive" I do that on EVERY Kiss album. I mean even the highly regarded "Destroyer" had it's share of "skip songs" (Great Expectations, Sweet Pain, Do You Love Me?, and Flaming Youth aren't exactly my fave KISS songs in the world).

GENE: Man you've come a long way baby! You impressed me more than anyone on this album. Although I would have liked one "Demon" song from you. You seem to be the one who has grown more musically than anyone else. To me, "Journey of 1000 Years" is song of the album! It totally blew me away! Yes "We are One" is pure pop, but it's not a BAD pop song. It's just, well, POP. And "Within" is a very cerbral ALMOST demon song but drags a bit. Still, I can tell you really put forth the effort in this album.

PAUL: What can I say? Your'e the single most underrated singer in rock! Man I love your voice. Psycho Circus is a killer opener and will have the perfect tempo to get us fired up when you guys tour. It's obvious you really wanted to push the whole rock anthem thing and that's ok. It's been sorely missed in rock & roll and I'm glad to see it's my fave band bringing it back! You will definately be the "Ring Master" of the Psycho Circus!

ACE: Ace, you are the man! You've always been my fave and you still are! To me, you ARE the KISS sound! Your'e skreetching guitar licks are unmistakable and I love you're space persona. "Into the Void" kicks my ass everytime. I really wish you were featured a little more on the album. Maybe one more song. I'd still love for you to do a guitar-only single where you just rip on your Les Paul for a couple of minutes. (Sort of what Eddie Van Halen did with "Eruption"). I play guitar and you are who I model my style after. Keep rockin!!!

PETER: Man Pete, you just can't get respect can you. Heh, personally I'd take everyone acusing you of not playing on this album as a complement. What they're really saying is "this sounds too good to be Peter Criss." I mean this from the heart Peter, I personally don't care if you're not a virtuoso. What matters to me is that it's Peter Criss behind the "skins" and no one keeps the beat going like you do. I wish you had a rockin tune on PC. But you sound great on "I Finally Found My Way" Keep on drummin man.

After many, many listens to PC and much thinking I've come up with really only 3 major gripes with the album. One, why did we get snubbed for the bonus track? I mean 10 songs is a little short. And one more classic Ace tune would have been perfect. Also, I'd like to have seen one more Peter song on the cd. A ROCKIN Peter song. Something in the vein of Black Diamond or Hooligan. Oh well, we can't have everything. And the last thing is I would have really liked one real Demon song on PC. I want the growling voice and fist being pounded on the chest and in the air. Other than that, I love this album and It will get played over and over! I've said it before and it bears repeating. KISS is back! And all is right with the world!!

Grade: B+

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