"Psycho Circus" Album Reviews

From: Paul Abreu

As a 31 year old fan of Kiss who has been buying their records ("Rock and Roll Over" since the age of 10 with my friggin' paper route money (time does fly...),here is my review:

I think this is the best Kiss album, song for song, from start to finish since Creatures of Night...and, its the most classic "Kiss-like" since, Dynasty, in my opinion.

The Highlights:

1. Attitude/Style

Obviously, Kiss is going for a classic Kiss kind of sound and attitude. They are not following any trends or any other band's leads this time.On this one, they are playing Kiss. And, thats refreshing. Only Kiss, in makeup, can sing I Pledge Allegiance To the State Of Rock and Roll and mean it (or at least make you want to believe they mean it...)

2. Songwriting

I think all of the songs are great "Kiss" songs that would probably sound ridiculous if any other band was doing them. And thats a good thing in this age of carbon copy sound-a-likes. They all sound timeless and unique, particularly when you compare them with what is popular and on the radio today. In fact, most of the tunes are pretty uplifting. There are a number of tracks that *could* get radio play...but in the current musical climate, you never know...this album could flop.

3. Production/Performances

This is one of the best "sounding" Kiss albums. The use of delays, vocal effects and some other production techniques make this sound a lot more like classic Kiss. The guitar playing is awesome, maybe not "technically" but in "feel." Whether it is Paul or Ace on the leads ...the guitar style is simplistic and straightforward and that is what makes it good, something that they forgot back in the '80s. The drumming is also "lighter" and doesn't sound like a heavy metal drummer, which leads me to believe that Peter indeed appears on most or all of these tracks.

4. Past References

This album has a lot of references to past Kiss songs of all eras in both sound & theme:

Psycho Circus- like Detroit Rock City, Love Gun, Creatures Of The Night

Within-Almost Human, God Of Thunder, Unholy, Saint and Sinner, Calling Dr. Love

Pledge Allegiance- Rock and Roll All Night, Let Me Go Rock and Roll, Shout it Out Loud

Into The Void-Ozone, Rocket Ride

We Are One-Great Expectations, "I"

You Wanted The Best- unlike any other song, but completely self-referential

Raise Your Glasses-Crazy Nights, Flaming Youth

I Finally Found My Way- Beth, Hard Luck Woman, Everytime I Look At You, Forever

Dreamin-sounds like some of Paul's '80's stuff...ala Tears are Falling with the breakdown part of his solo album "Tonight You Belong To Me"

Journey Of A 1000 Years- This could have been on "The Elder" (and it would have probably been the best song on "The Elder")

Final Analysis:

If you like that classic Kiss sound, you'll probably really like this album. Just don't spend too much time figuring out why its not "as good" as those old albums and be happy you're getting something new that rocks.

If you got into Kiss during the post Lick It Up era and are a big fan of '80's style metal, you probably will not like this record that much. Its not a heavy metal album. Its much too experimental and varied, but there will probably be a song or two that grabs you. Go see the concert.

If you're a modern music critic that loves bands like Matchbox 20, Pearl Jam or countless others that are on the pedestals these days....don't bother... because you won't get it.


None. But, I wouldn't have minded hearing one song that kind of had a longer jammed out intstrumental part...ala 100,000 years or Let Me Go Rock and Roll. I realize that they haven't done this for awhile, but "The Jungle" from C.O.S. kind of has that.

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