Psycho Circus Tour Reviews

From: Richard Rood

First of all let me say this is the first time I'm e-mailing you but let me start off by saying what a great web site you guys have. Well here I am sitting at my pc upon my return from seeing KISS at the Pepsi Areana in Albany, NY my home town. I've gotten to see 2 of the 3 shows so far on the east coast and let me just say that both performances have been absolutely incredible. In Albany KISS actually changed the set list by shuffling 3 songs around. Usually they close with R&R all Nite but this time they ended the show with my favorite KISS song Black Diamond and R&R all Nite was the last song before the encores and they still smashed the guitar as usual during R&R all Nite. Surprising to me was the lack of people at the Albany show it was only about 3/4 full but Albany has always been a bunch of dead beats when it comes to Rock & Roll. At both shows they opened with Psycho Circus which suprised me a bit I still think You Wanted the Best You Got the Best would make for a great opening song and they should still leave Psycho Circus in but play it later in the set. At both shows they played for approx 2hrs & 15min. which is a little longer that last tour. I just also want to touch on the 3D. Many people who hear ads may think it's just a hoax when they hear it on the radio but let me tell you the 3D effects are surprisingly good much better than you would expect and I've seen many 3D movies when they became popular in the early 80's and the 3D effects on the Psycho Circus tour are much better!!! Yeah I'm a die hard KISS fan and sick and tired of all the critics out there who say KISS should quit now well FUCK THEM ALL!!! They Are, Have Been, & Will Always be THE GREATEST ROCK AND ROLL BAND OF ALL TIME!!!!! I've seen all the greats Aerosmith, Led Zepplin, Queen, The Who, Rolling Stones, Van Halen, and none of them have ever put out an effort like KISS does Live!!! The thing that does it for me when you compare KISS to all these other bands I've made mention of is that when they are up there they are doing it because they are having fun and it shows. I just this past summer saw Van Halen and when they came on they said they were gonna put on an extra long show and that they were partying all the crowd cheered and it lasted all of 88 minutes and Eddie seemed out of it. That's right 1hr & 28min. Give me a break I paid $65 for that show and they played 1 encore and only 88min. There was almost a riot after the show as people were booing as the show ended. Now that's what you'll never get when you go see a KISS concert. What you'll get for your money is 4 men busting their asses off every nite to give you the GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH!!! KISS ARMY listen to me the PSYCHO CIRCUS tour is for real and anyone who's a fan or who wants to see one of the best shows you'll ever see, buy a ticket and enjoy the PSYCHO CIRCUS WORLD TOUR you won't be disappointed!!!

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