Psycho Circus Tour Reviews

From: Chris Harfenist

KISS live in NJ, Nov 23rd, 1998 - Last night was a special night. Man, this shit was intense. On one hand it brought me back to the 70's, but on the other hand this was also the now, and also the future!!! No one does it like KISS - a total spectacle - a 3D screen which really worked (a stadium full of people with glasses on reaching out into the air in front of them to "touch" KISS), flying Gene, flying Paul, Space Ship drum riser, explosions, more confetti than I have ever seen, light show, smoke, and on and on. They care more about giving a good show than anyone in the entertainment industry. I mean, this was live, this was not TV or a movie, or the internet - this was the actual four guys who wrote the book, working, I repeat, working hard to give only the best show, and having fun, joking with each other, a team, showing that they want to please their fans. Ace was so on, and I was even impressed with Paul Stanley whose voice and energy was so on, Gene (what can I say?), and Peter giving a great melodic drum solo, which everyone was still up out of their seats for, in a rock world without drum solos. There was not a lag in the 2+ hour show and they pulled out all gems like "100,000 years", "Deuce", "Firehouse", "Let Me Go Rock N' Roll", and even "Do You Love Me", and even "I Was Made For Loving You"!!!! If anyone has anything negative to say about KISS in '98, they are only spoiled by the fact that KISS produces and give you so much more in a show that you can almost get used to all of the spectacle... but then you have to step away and take a look at any other show, past or present, and see what care KISS puts into their show and how nothing really compares. Nuff said. KISS ARMY. ROCK ON.

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