Psycho Circus Tour Reviews

From: Thomas Greco

Real brief and to the point: KISS came back home to the metropolitan area and kicked ass. The two hour show was just a great concert experience. They sounded better than ever (especillay Paul) and they looked like they were having a hell of a lot of fun. When they screwed up their choreography during "Duece" (I think), they started laughing instead of getting angry. It was very cool to see them break character.

The only negative was that it seemed that they were a little disappointed in the crowd reaction. But they shouldn't be. I see it more and more these days, especially with older bands. When the majority of the audience is in the over 30 range, they just don't respond like they did when they were 20. It doesn't mean they're enjoying the show any less. It just means they aren't going to scream, jump and shout for two hours. We appreciate and love the show, we just can't keep the pace anymore. The older bands have to understand this. We love them as much as ever, but shit, we have to get up and take the kids to school and go to work, etc. So don't be discouraged guys, you're still the best. Just understand we can't rock and roll all nite and party every day like we used to.

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