Psycho Circus Tour Reviews

From: Howie Abrams

Madison Square Garden - November 23, 1998

Although I attended last nights show as well, I really wanted to review the group's most recent Garden show.

I must say - I'm pretty suprised they're still opening with "Psycho Circus." Although there's total hysteria when the band walk on stage, a couple of minutes in most of the crowd is noticably let down. Of course that doesn't last for long.

It's always great to see a successful band play in their home town and tonight was certainly no exception. Not only was everyone in the arena somehow spiritually attatched to the band members, there was also also a congregation-like desire to jointly live out their 70's Rock fantasies. It was truly great.

Basically strong set, but "Makin Love" just sounds atrocious. They should really drop it. A few others were questionable but there were many more highlights including "Love Gun," "100,000 Years," "Let Me Go Rock and Roll" and of course "Rock and Roll All Nite."

There's nothing negative I could say about any KISS show that would keep me from coming back again and again. I truly hope everyone has as much fun seeing KISS again as I do.

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