Psycho Circus Tour Reviews


Well, this was my first of three shows on the Psycho Circus Tour. The MCI arena was full but not sold out. I tried to stay away from reading any reviews of the previous shows on the tour so I'd hopefully be a little surprised. Some of the surprises turned out to be good while others were not so good. For the surprises, the 3D was better than I thought. After seeing the supposed 3D "Psycho Circus" video, my expectations were rather low. It was pretty cool in the beginning especially when each member had their own pre-recorded 3D segment. But, as time wore on, it got kinda stale. You could only take so many guitar necks in your face tricks. I stopped wearing the glasses after a while. The setlist surprise was "Makin' Love". After seeing the reunion tour 9 times, I was ready for anything different! A very good pick and done very well. I was disappointed to see that "She" and "Nothing To Lose" have been dropped. This setlist needs still needs some more variety in my book. From the PC album, "Into The Void" was pretty good but "Within" just doesn't work (and I like that song a lot). Gene is barely intelligible because he sings so low and the guitar work seems to be kinda sloppy and overall didn't seem to go over that well with the crowd. Actually, I noticed (since I was at the end of an aisle) that a few people chose that song to go to the bathroom, get drinks, etc.. Paul made fun of Gene and Ace just before "Love Gun". Just before the song, Ace and Gene did this little dance with each other and Paul said that a lot of strange things have been going on stage tonight with the strangest being the sight of "a monster and a spaceman square dancing". The he asked them to do it some more! Gene found it pretty funny that Paul made a thing over it. Anyhow, "Rock and Roll All Nite" closed the set and that was a nice surprise. It's nice to know that you have more show after the standard closer is over and done with. The funniest thing was when Paul brought out his guitar to break at the end of the song. He had it in his hand but lost his grip on it and dropped it on the ground. When it hit, it broke right in two where it is supposed to break. It ruined the whole thing. So he proceeded to take the bottom and bang it a few times on Peters riser and then pulled it apart like he actually did something to make it break more. It was way too late to try and fool us so I guess it was the best option available. It was pretty funny. "Black Diamond" closed the encore set and I expected that everyone was due to get on their risers as normal and only Peter went up in the air. What's up with that? I could have sworn that I saw the riser railings on the sides of the stage but if they were, they went unused. Anyway, did I like the show? Yes. Did I think it was as good as last year's show? No. There is just not enough "new" stuff here that separates itself from the reunion tour. It's good, but I definitely see why it isn't selling as well as last year. 3D is not enough.

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