KISS Farewell Tour Reviews

From: Dave
Great show the first night. But then, when you get there for night two and they go on the unraveling begins. Same songs we've heard a million times, with a couple of cheesy 80's tunes thrown in, just taking up space that could be filled with classic 70's material that's ignored. Very sad with a catalog like they have they can't dig any deeper. Where is Hotter than Hell? Rock Bottom? I Stole your Love? Christine 16? Tomorrow and Tonite? She? Love 'em and Leave 'em? Hard Luck Woman? Flaming Youth? Sweet Pain? Watchin' You? Charisma? something different! Just a shame... way too many great tunes, totally ignored while they go through the motions with the same shit from the last two tours, minus a few key songs, and some ok but not-worth-the-switch 80's drivel taking up time... oh well.

Then there is the really canned and utterly boring raps Paul delivers... He's my man for sure, but why say that shit night after night, word for word, like reading from a cue card? It's unreal how much they just go through the motions each night. Identical shows in every way with the dialogue and songs... No spontaneity at all. Paul is a pro, an adult, and now an accomplished theatre performer. He can do better than relying on cheesy full-of-shit raps between the songs. It does nothing but make people look at each other and cringe... Anyone seeing one show only on a tour shouldn't even think about anything I'm saying because you won't understand it. It's all going over your head. Just skip my review, cause I skipped yours. If you see several, or you see lots of concerts in general, and aren't scared to say it like it is, and be honest, those are the only people I could give a fuck about. They know, too. These dudes need to give a little more for the high prices they charge. There are plenty of tunes, and Paul shouldn't have to rely on these terribly cliched raps. Anyone who thinks it's cool is quite out of touch. It's laughingstock material. It's the kind of shit only people who listen to cheesy hair metal would like. Kiss came before that crap, but somehow get trapped by that dumb demeanor thing. I never have gotten it. I love them so much, and they have so many songs to offer, and Paul is a fantastically talented man. He could just wing it and say a quick line here or there, fresh and off-the-cuff. Then the cheese factor would be much lower. This tour is not selling out. Most shows are not sold out. That is a fact. Not something that is a persons opinion. It is as real as the weather. No disputing it. Again, 80% of the reviews for this tour seen here are by the blind folks, I call them. Like a lot of die-hard Dead fans used to be: 'no, there are never bad shows. they are always perfect'. Kiss idiots can be the same way. 'dude, they rocked! What a great show. It was awesome. oh by the way it's the only one I'm seeing.' People who blindly follow are sad. Very sad. You've got to be able to be honest, or you just look like a moron when you write a review. I loved the Dead; but they had some very bad nights. Jerry would have agreed, God bless him. Life is like that; good times, bad times... it's even an old song... but I am getting sidetracked.

The bottom line: Love them dearly, glad they reunited. Happy to have seen the two shows, going to Portland, ME as well. But we need something a little fresher. They have so much to offer. But I think this really is more of a 'take the money and run' situation than anything else. Only someone who can't smell shit and is full of it wouldn't be able to see the rat in the chicken with this basket from the colonel these guys are hawking. Lets concentrate on the music, and not get so hung up on the childish, ultra-horseshit dialogue in between songs... and give up some goodies from the catalog. Lazy, lazy, lazy... That's the reality here, folks.

Skid Row? Is that a band? give me a break, folks... anyone listening to that has the taste of a rock, which is to say, none at all. Wake up folks. That is drivel of the worst kind that doesn't even deserve to be mentioned... what garbage...

Nugent... a great guitarist. Great old school hard rock songs. Tremendous drummer.... one of the all-time most accomplished rock drummers, Tommy Aldridge. Talent oozing out of every pour on Aldridge. A legend, a monster, a super drummer of the Cozy Powell/John Bonham level. God Bless. But other than that, he is a dangerous hate-monger, and the crowd reaction in his favor is as scary as watching the Nazis convert the German population into the killers they became in WWII. What loser could relate to his hate-laden message? Hard to believe anyone gets excited and turned on by that. It's called no-class, no intelligence, caveman like behavior. Get a clue, anyone who thinks that shit is funny. It isn't rock n roll. Rock is liberal, love it or leave it. Rock is not about hate and ignorance. Can't handle someone speaking another language? Then learn how to speak it, too. It's a big world, folks. There's a lot out there. Embrace it. Enjoy it. Go and visit as much of it as possible. Ted ought to remember the real people of this land did not speak english. And it was their land. Another non-disputable item. And they weren't pussies. They were tough as steel, glorious, complex folks. And not speaking any english. Maybe Ted and his ignorant militia friends ought to be the ones to get out. They're the real foreigners! That is, of course, not an opinion, but more FACT. Face it. Learn your own history if you don't believe it. This country isn't based on what he spews. Only dumb rednecks with zeros on the foreheads could possibly subscribe to his moronic views. No, he's not joking. No, it's not funny. But hey, that's why he's opening for other people, and playing small half-full club gigs the rest of the time. Like stinky poop, it get's flushed. He's not in demand. Not at all. But it was nice to see Tommy Aldridge.

God bless Kiss. I've done 11 reunion shows... I wish we were going out with more of a bang, but, what can you do? Life is real. It's not real if you say 'it's always great. Nothing ever sucks. Nothing is every screwed up. This is always right and perfect.' like Kiss. I love the music. Bigtime. And I'll keep listening. But I'm glad they are going away from the touring if they really can't give a little more to the fans, because this is just too much BS and not enough meat. Hopefully the memories will hold up of the good times on the reunion that I've seen, like the music has held up so well since 1973.... oh well. Take care.

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