KISS Farewell Tour Reviews

From: Lance
My first trip to the Tweeter Center and I must say super nice facility except for the parking. Can't we get the Glee Club who packs us all in there to have a little more control on exiting ?? Seems like its every man for himself when the show is done and it kinda sucks to take 45 minutes to go 100 yards. Anyways Skid Row mercifully enough came on early unfortunately they didn't exit early. Great band and musically thy're really tight but the singer just sucks !!! Where did they find this guy Bottle In Front Of Me Is Like A Forontal Labotomy University ?? One down two acts to follow and here comes old Uncle Ted Fuckin Nugent !! Ted musically was just a step off tonight but was still his old rambunctious self. Great tunes, superior showmanship and hearing him call Ted Kennedy a piece of shit while in Massachusetts was almost worth the price of admission. Now on to the main course KISS !!!! Lots of enthusiasm but the mix was a little off most of the night. In a true Spinal Tap moment Ace almost didn;t get his rockets to fly during his solo and from where I was in the eleventh row looked pretty freakin relieved when they did finally go. Highlights of the night --- Paul going out into the audience during Love Gun, Beth hearing them do She, a song they have since dropped, the video during Do You Love Me, and all the great tit shots the camera men got of the babes in the audience. Lowlights --- Genes rig didn't work and he sang God Of Thunder from the stage, the mix and the seven foot guy in front of me who blocked my view half the night of well what the hell it was Kiss and like the shirt says "I WAS THERE" !!!!

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