KISS Farewell Tour Reviews

From: Tommy Rifai
This is the 6th Farewell show I saw - the were the 2 in Detroit - and I haven't had more high of highs and low of lows to talk about. First, thumbs up to Ace and Gene this show. They were the stars with Gene throwing more little bass licks into songs and the bass more beautifully in the mix (tone was great too!) than I ever remember hearing in any of the last 30 plus KISS shows I've seen. The only thing I lament about Gene's performance (and it wasn't techically him per se) was that his backing vocals were frequently way too high in the mix (killing Peter's mostly excellent backing vocals and who should've been much higher in the mix)ESSPECIALLY on "Do You Love Me?" But also on some other songs too. Otherwise, even Gene's make-up was pure perfection.

Ace was mostly a god in Moo Yoo's Breslin Center. Didn't get totally lost like he did in Toledo during Shock Me. In fact, Ace was kicking major ass most of the night. The only special mention was during DRC, either his A or D string came TOTALLY out of tune and he KNEW it. He tried to finish the song, but some horrid sounds were coming out of the PA from his guitar as he was frantically (well...Ace's version of "frantic" anyway) trying to re-tune the string as the song was toward the end. Other tiny glitches on Ace's behalf, but again tiny. He really shined on all solos otherwise.

Peter was totally lost in the break of Firehouse. He was playing alot of really fancy fills and stuff I've never heard him play before, but I think it got TOO busy for him and he got lost more than once. But the drum mix was TOO DIE FOR. Sampling or whatever - HE was triggering them and it was his playing I assure you. His vocals were average for him - which is very good, no complaints. To Gene's credit, he didn't get excessively mad at Peter for screwing up Firehouse. Making this point was the fact that just a couple songs afterwords during Let Me Go R and R Gene yelled into the mike just as they were about to go into their jam section and where Peter really shines (and did so that night) "Peter Criss on the drums". The crowd loved it.

Paul was Paul. He had no MAJOR screw ups and his travelling rig worked (as did all the effects that night). But he didn't have quite the same edge as at The Palace (Detroit) or in West Palm Beach. Great vocals overall, of course. He's Paul. Misc. comments. LOTS of families there, very cool to see all the youngsters with their parents showing 'em how to really rock. There was one family there with the BEST Dynasty outfits all-in-all I've ever seen next the real ones! The mom and dad were Gene and Paul (Mom was a good Paul - maybe it wasn't mom?....well, anyway) and the 2 kids were Peter and Ace. And I'm talking the cat heads on the shoulders the glass on the Ace suit and everthing! They made it front row and they really caught Peter's eye when the band took their bows during the finale.

Well, there's more but others will comment I'm sure. My last show ("last"??) is supposedly at Detroit's biggest outdoor venue (not including Tiger Stadium, if that's "outdoors") Pine Knob Music Theater. Got 5th row center for that and I will report after the show.

Party safely and get CREATURES OF THE NET 'A New Millenium' from KAOL!! You can catch some friends and myself on Two Timer 2000.

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