KISS Farewell Tour Reviews

From: Jason Zwink
Ah, what a great time. Missed Skid Row (from what everyone else writes, not a big waste). Nugent was ok. I only knew about 4 of his songs and I'm not anywhere near a fan of his ideals, such as "even faggots are going to be eating pussy tonight", but as a band---it was tight. My favorite part was seeing the ex-Whitesnake drummer. He tossed like three sets of sticks, and being 10 rows back, the girls right in front of me caught them (my friend got nailed in the crotch by one). Could've done without the length of Ted's show, but a lot of people liked it.

THEN KISS!!! I won't bother with a set list, cause it's the same as the previous dates. I just want to comment on everything else I observed with one disclaimer---THIS WAS A GREAT SHOW!!! Even with the things I write below, none of it tarnished the pure entertainment of these guys.

Technical problems. Gene and Paul were like ringmasters. Being close to the stage you get to see more than the people in the stands watching from far away or the vid screens. Gene and Paul were constantly pointing out monitor or equipment problems. I missed what actually happened but when I looked over at Paul at one point he knocked his mic stand apart. My friend said that he was acting like it didn't work and took his frustrations out on it. The on-stage video screen cut out during Psycho Circus and a little of another song. Ace's platform did not go up at the end of Black Diamond. It was hillarious though because Gene was pointing at him and Paul ran over to Ace's support and acted like HE was going to lift the hydraulic platform up.

Other things: During 100,000 years, Ace got off on his timing during his solo and Paul had to talk him back into it from across the stage. The camera crew caught every single time that Paul had to look at his cue card to see the other times KISS had been to the Myriad in OKC during one of his speeches. Then the GREAT stuff: This is my second (and I guess last) show. I saw the reunion tour back when. It's like two different shows. I probably wouldn't have caught half the stuff above if I wasn't close. Last time I was in the nosebleeds. But being so, they were equally good seats, cause you catch things with one, yet it's a whole another experience to see EVERYONE and EVERYTHING from far away. Gene's Demon (blood) routine was excellent. He got way more into it than at the reunion show I saw. Even if you saw the reunion show, the tribute footage played during "Do You Love Me" is worth the whole price of admission. Before they played Rock and Roll All Nite, they got together in the middle of the stage and were goofing around, it looked with the lights low that they were trying to dry hump Peter!!! Throughout the night, the guys were just having fun. And when a band can do that, AND play fantastic, it's a beautiful thing.

Probably a lot more I could say, but this can't be doing it for you.....YOU MUST GO SEE THEM ON THIS TOUR!!! Who says if this will be the last. Gene and Paul have always done what they want, not necessarily what they say. Still THIS experience is one for the books.

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