KISS Farewell Tour Reviews

From: Nick
Let me start off with saying a couple of words about Ted: I think its fine that Ted Nugent lets his political views known. He has freedom of speech and every right to do so. With so many countless liberal democrats in Hollywood and in the mainstream media, I don't know why so many people complain about one long haired rock and roller voicing his opinion. If Barbara Strisand can do it, so can TED! Besides, he really kicked ass!

Now on to KISS. This is not so much a review as it is advice. I've seen KISS over 35 times since 1977. Do yourself a favor, spend the money, and get within the first two or three rows for this tour. Especially if its your last KISS concert. My buddy and I had second row for Irvine and San Bernadino, however we wound up standing against the barrier almost dead center three feet from touching thier boots for both shows. It is by far thee most incredible place for a KISS concert. We didn't the broken guitar either night but we got pleanty of pics and we each got a rose from Peter. Spend the money if you must, go balls out, and DO IT! We will never forget either of those nights, and niether will you! Both shows were packed to the top, and KISS was Awsome! KISS is Best, F_ _K the rest!

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