KISS Farewell Tour Reviews

From: Jason Evans
When I got there, I had no idea what to expect. After all, this was my FIRST KISS concert. I have loved them for years but I just haven't had the money at the right time to go. Anyway. About an hour after I got there, Skid Row took the stage. I was thoroughly impressed. They sound better than ever. And the crowd erupted when they played "18 and Life." What a great performance. I see big things for their new singer.

Next up was Ted Nugent. Another excellent performance for the king of slander. The highlight for me in his performance was the song "Kiss My Ass." He made it so damn hilarious when he included the names of a fe government officials. "Cat Scratch Fever" and "Stranglehold" were also great. Now enough of the openers, on to KISS!!!!

The lights went up and they dropped the huge KISS flag that covers the stage. The lights go out, and blue spot-lights cirle the crowd. "ALL RIGHT TAMPA!!!! YOU WANTED THE BEST, YOU GOT THE BEST!!!! THE HOTTEST BAND IN THE WORLD, KISS!!!!! Stage lights up and they open with Detroit Rock City. Thus winning me $5 cause I bet my friend that they'd open with that.

Paul was in top form doing his usual damncing and singing the word "Tampa" after almost every song...he sounded great, promising Tampa that the crowd here was better than Orlando and calling us the "Rock and Roll Capital of Florida." Which, I am sure he called Orlando the night before.

Gene was excellent. His solo was extra good and he splattered blood all over everybody in the front row, myself included. He did have a little problem with his harness system but that was quickly remedied.

Ace, playing his usual riffs and singing off key. But hey, it wouldn't be Ace if he didn't. The highlight of his solo has to be when he played "2001: A Space Odessey."

Now, let me talk a minute about Peter. Was he playing or not? It was hard to tell. He wasn't very active and it didn't even look like he was hitting his drums. However, his performance of Beth during the encore was probably the best I have heard in a while.

Overall, the show was a win. It is too bad that they are calling it quits. Maybe they will finally get into the Hall of Fame =)

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